
Enrollment Procedures

New student registration

Parents or guardians of new students who were not enrolled at Waimea Elementary School in the last school year can register in the following ways:

Mail-in/Drop-off: Enrollment forms and required documents can be mailed or dropped in the mail slot at the office. 


Online registration:  For online registration, you will be required to upload the completed enrollment form and supporting documents (any format accepted, such as PDF, photo, or jpeg).

You will be required to submit additional health forms such as TB clearance and student health records.

All students enrolling in a public school in Hawaii for the first time are required to present the following documents and forms when registering.   

Student birth certificate: If the student is from a foreign country, the student’s passport or student visa is acceptable. 

Student health and immunization requirements

All children attending school in Hawaii must have a signed and completed Student’s Health Record to document the following:

Other documents, if applicable: 

Students must attend the school that serves the geographic area where they reside unless they have an approved geographic exception form. If you would like for your child to attend Waimea Elementary School, please submit paperwork to your home school.

Students transferring schools or withdrawing from school must contact their current school for guidance. 

For assistance in using online registration, parents and guardians may contact the Hawaii State Department of Education Online Registration Help Line at (808) 564-6070.